We Bring Empowering Business Solutions to Those Who Desire Change

Jewel TCom
The JEWEL TEAM is dedicated to bringing empowering solutions to those who desire change. We are not financially affiliated with ANY manufacturers or vendors and we practice the highest ethical standards in working with vendors to select only the products and services that meet YOUR needs. Our goal is to develop long-term partnerships with our clients. We fit the client with the appropriate resources rather than fitting one product or service to the client. As an indication of our commitment, the majority of our current business is generated from personal referrals and repeat business from existing clients. Please review the information below and see what you want the next step to be for your business needs.
RFP and Project Management Services
Many businesses face frustrations with their telecom equipment. This leads to managers and IT professionals pulling their hair out trying to conduct everyday business while leading the company to assess what changes must be made to existing equipment or making a smart purchasing decision for new equipment. No more worries, let the Jewel Team help you.

As part of your team we will
Research your business needs
Research your business needs
Build technical criteria required to maximize your business function
Search for suppliers that match
Draft a specifications document (Request for Proposal or Request for Information) for all vendors to
Draft an Evaluation Report highlighting key differences in the proposals
Assist you in making an informed purchasing decision
Project manage the installation of your system.
Being vendor independent allows us to come into your business, decipher what your needs are (your blueprint) and generate a specification document around those needs (the Request for Proposal). This process serves as a benchmark for all decisions made in your telecommunications project. Our team is very familiar with several different systems and capabilities. We pride ourselves in helping our clients make purchasing decisions on factors other than price alone.
The cheapest option is not always the best option. There are other factors that must be taken into consideration and those are not often understood by the end-user until AFTER the new system is in place. That is not the time to assess if the functionality of the system is going to fit the business model and goals. Not only do we assist clients in making educated decisions we manage the installation to ensure that what was anticipated and promised during the proposal phase is truly what is installed at the end of the day. Rest easy knowing that the experts of the Jewel Team will do their best to ensure the system your organization brings to production meets your expectations.
Telecom Bill Audit Services
By using our telecom analyst to conduct a thorough review of your telecommunications spending you engage someone who brings expertise and knowledge together with vendor independence. A powerful combination that can save your organization money that can be applied in other ways.
In a recent independent study it showed a large number of customers using the wrong plans in both local and long distance services
Review how lines/circuits are used in your business for both telecommunications and data
Identify the best rate plans with current or new carriers (please note sometimes it is not smart to
change carriers just to save money)
Ensure consistency of charges – checking that the charged rate matches contract promisesOur average on-going annual savings for clients is 35%. If this savings could benefit your company giveus a call today for a consultation.
Identify the best rate plans with current or new carriers (please note sometimes it is not smart to
change carriers just to save money)
Telecom Consulting Resources